Linear methods in classification

  1. Load hurricane data from the article “Hurricane-induced selection on the morphology of an island lizard”. (You may use ELTE wifi to access materials placed behind Nature’s paywall.)
    • A, Drop the lizard with the most missing values
    • B, Drop the ID column, and the ‘SumFingers’,’SumToes’,’MaxFingerForce’ columns, which were only measured after the hurricane
    • C, Encode, the Sex, Origin ans Hurricane values into binary columns, and drop the original text columns.
    • D, Make sure all your columns are encoded as floating point values, not unsigned integers! —-
  2. Use logistic regression from the statsmodels package to predict whether the lizard was measured after of before the hurricane, using the whole dataset
    • A, Investigate the Toe and Finger area coefficients, whats going on? Fix this problem by only keeping the mean measurements.
    • B, Which measured quality had the most significant positive effect on survival?
    • C, Which measured quality had the most significant negative effect on survival?
    • D, Try explain the results in your words. Check the abstract of the paper.
    • E, Repeat the fit after scaling each input column to 0 mean and 1 variance. Have the coefficients changed? Have the predictions changed? —-
  3. Repeat the fit with scikit-learn on the unnormalized dataset.
    • A, Compare the coefficients with the ones you got from statsmodels. Are they the same? If not try to answer why?
    • B, Try to tweak the parameters of the scikit-learn method to reproduce the the coefficients produced by statsmodels.
    • C, Plot the ROC curve for the full dataset, and calculate the AUC.
    • D, Repeat the fit after scaling each input column to 0 mean and 1 variance. Have the coefficients changed? Have the predictions changed? —-
  4. Split the dataset into 5 folds and predict each fold by training on the other 4.
    • A, Make sure to fix the seed of the splitting to 0 to make it reproducible.
    • B, Plot the ROC for the 5 folds separately as curves on the same plot.
    • C, Calculate the AUC values for the 5 folds separately.