Lab exercise 01, Unsupervised learning and clustering
1, Get and prepare data
- A, Download the data from the kaggle challenge “Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster”. You need to register to Kaggle to do so.
- B, Load the train.csv table with pandas
- C, Drop columns with the following data : names, ids, and ticket ids
- D, Encode the place or embarkation with 3 new binary columns, drop the original text column
- E, Encode the sex of the original values with 1 binary column, drop the original text column
- F, Encode in a new column whether the Cabin value was missing for a passenger or not, drop the original column
- G, Fill missing values with -1
- H, Check your dataframe, it should only contain numerical values at this point!
2, TSNE embedding
- A, Embed your dataframe without any normalization into 2 dimensions using TSNE (use the scikit-learn implementation)
- B, Plot each person a filled circle marker in the two dimensional space and colour each circle according to the continuous value of the age of the passenger
- C, Plot each person a filled circle marker in the two dimensional space and colour each circle according to the continuous value of the price of their ticket
- D, Describe the results you got, why are these variables important for TSNE?
3, TSNE with normalization.
- A, Normalize each column of your data frame to have 0 mean, and unit variance, and repeat exercise 2.
- B, For each categorical attribute, create a plot where the points are colored according to the class they belong to, also use different marker for each class on the plots.
- C, Try to guess what is the meaning of the distinct clusters? You don’t need to understand every single cluster, but pick a few, and investigate them.
- D, Attempt to use K-means on your embedded 2d points to cluster them into meaningful clusters. Note, you need to somewhat correctly guess the number of clusters a priori.
4, More dimension reduction. Embed your data to 2 dimensions, and plot the data points (no need for colours etc), using
- A, UMAP (Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection) ( you will need to install it using
pip install --user umap-learn
- B, PCA (Principal Component Analysis), use the first two components
- C, NNMF (Non-Negative Matrix Factorization, ofter called NMF)
- D, MDS (Multidimensional scaling)
All the tools are available in scikit-learn expect for UMAP.
- Decorate your notebook with, questions, explanation etc, make it self contained and understandable!
- Comments you code
- Write functions for repetitive tasks!
- Use the pandas package for data loading and handling
- Use matplotlib for plotting or bokeh and plotly for interactive investigation
- Use the scikit learn package for almost everything
- Remember, you need to install UMAP!